Like with all things, we have some very important rules! By allowing SideTrack Productions to conduct our Kindy Songs Program at your location, you confirm that you have read and agreed to the below information. Thank you.
1. Services Outlined
SideTrack Production agrees to provide the Client with:
- Four (4) Kindy Songs recording sessions at the Client’s premises on the specified dates in this agreement
- Four (4) fully produced songs resulting from the conducted recording sessions previously mentioned
- A password protected page available to the Client for Sixty (60) days post the upload of the final Kindy Song released to the Client
- Turnaround for completing and providing each completed song to the Client is up to Four (4) weeks.
2. Fees & Payment Terms
The Client acknowledges and agrees to pay SideTrack Productions an agreed upon base rate per arranged recording session minus any pre-arranged discounts.
This base rate provides the Kindy Songs sessions for up to 15 children per session. The Client shall pay an additional cost for each child who participates in the Kindy Songs Recording Session over the allocated 15 children participating.
The Client agrees to pay each invoice provided by SideTrack Productions within Thirty (30) Days of the date of invoice, to:
SideTrack Productions
BSB: 484 799
Account Number: 0045 79690
3. Permissions & Copyrights
The Cilent acknowledges and agrees that by allowing SideTrack Productions to conduct the Kindy Songs Program at the Client’s location, the Client grants SideTrack Productions the right and permission to:
- Upload the completed songs resulting from the recording sessions on websites and/or digital repositories managed by SideTrack Productions including but not limited to;
- Uploading the audio files on YouTube Music, Amazon Music, Spotify, and Apple Music streaming sites under the “Kindy Songs” label, and to a password protected page for the Client
- Record audio of any person or noise present during any Kindy Songs Recording Session conducted during the term of this Agreement
The Client hereby waives any right to inspect or approve the finished product or any written copy that may be used in connection therewith. The Client hereby waives the right to any financial compensation from SideTrack Productions for their use of the audio recordings. The Client agrees to waive any rights to the audio and finished product that results from a Kindy Songs Recording Session. All rights are held by SideTrack Productions.
Any completed songs resulting from this program may not be broadcast in any commercial setting without prior written permission from SideTrack Productions.
The Client will not hold SideTrack Productions liable for any adverse reactions resulting from the use of the completed track. SideTrack Productions takes every step to create a positive song and takes no responsibility for any subjective view from anyone who listens.
It is the Client’s responsibility to obtain approval from their staff, and any parent/guardians of the children who attend their establishment at their discretion (be it written or verbal) to be allowed to participate in the Kindy Songs program as per the terms outlined.
The Client acknowledges that SideTrack Productions is not held responsible for any negligent actions of the Client that results in the failure of obtaining above mentioned approvals.
4. Confidentiality
SideTrack Productions acknowledges and agrees that all sensitive and identifying content will NOT be included in the completed song from each recording session. This is at the discretion of SideTrack Productions.
This includes, but is not limited to, names of staff and/or children, location of the Client or surrounding locations.
SideTrack Productions shall not disclose to any third party any details regarding the Client’s business, including, without limitation any information regarding any of the Client’s customer information, business plans, or price points.
5. Modifications
In the unlikely event that SideTrack Productions is unable to proceed with a recording session due to unforeseen circumstances, a rescheduled date and time will be agreed upon by both Parties.
In the event that the Client wishes to change the agreed upon date or time for any reason, SideTrack Productions will work with the Client to select an alternative date to suit. If no dates are available in the designated Term, the recording session will roll over and be conducted during the following Term
Handy Forms & Downloads of Policy Information
Public Liability Insurance expiry 9 Nov 2024.
5264 270 4748
Hania Alfonzo
WWC2614802E exp 03 Mar 2028
Blue Card: 2117002/1 exp 29 Oct 2024
Brandon Mackay
WWC2614809E exp 03 Mar 2028
Blue Card: 1756329/2 exp 15 Feb 2025